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RPi and clones
- Power-supply Hat for RaspberryPi (and pin-compatible competitors).
- Includes many other cool features !
Development Modules
- The GPIO-Demo module is intended to help prototyping, learning and development of communication modules for the DomoTab project.
- Another development board for the LPC1224, closer to a full Break-Out than the GPIO-Demo module which is specific to the DomoTab project.
- An "mbed ready" equivalent of the LPC1224 Break-Out board.
- USB to UART Adaptator, with possible UEXT connector support.
Communication Modules
- The Sub-1GHz RF module, Standalone, USB, or UEXT version.
Projet "DomoTab"
- DTPlug Gateway : Ethernet ---> 4x UEXT communication modules
- PSMC module, monitor power usage and control power output of an outlet (Requires a communication module).